Previous Awards
The papers receiving these awards were selected from a set of outstanding papers,
based on the quantitative and qualitative classifications as well as comments provided
by the program committee reviewers, their final classification as full paper and
their oral presentation at the conference.
2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
IVAPP 2019
Best Paper Award
Abstract Data Visualization
Visual Analytics of Multidimensional Projections for Constructing Classifier Decision Boundary Maps
Mateus Espadoto, Francisco Caio M. Rodrigues and Alexandru C. Telea
Best Student Paper Award
Spatial Data Visualization
Grid-based Exploration of OCT Thickness Data of Intraretinal Layers
Martin Röhlig, Jörg Stüwe, Christoph Schmidt, Ruby Kala Prakasam, Oliver Stachs and Heidrun Schumann
Best Poster Award
IVAPP 2018
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
Abstract Data Visualization
An Evolutionary Algorithm for an Optimization Model of Edge Bundling
Joelma Ferreira, Hugo Nascimento and Les Foulds
IVAPP 2017
Best Paper Award
Abstract Data Visualization
Visual-Interactive Similarity Search for Complex Objects by Example of Soccer Player Analysis
Jürgen Bernard, Christian Ritter, David Sessler, Matthias Zeppelzauer, Jörn Kohlhammer and Dieter Fellner
Best Student Paper Award
Abstract Data Visualization
Interpretation of Dimensionally-reduced Crime Data: A Study with Untrained Domain Experts
Dominik Jäckle, Florian Stoffel, Sebastian Mittelstädt, Daniel A. Keim and Harald Reiterer
IVAPP 2016
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
Abstract Data Visualization
VESPa: A Pattern-based Visual Query Language for Event Sequences
Florian Haag, Robert Krüger and Thomas Ertl
IVAPP 2015
Best Paper Award
Abstract Data Visualization
The Visual Exploration of Aggregate Similarity for Multi-dimensional Clustering
James Twellmeyer, Marco Hutter, Michael Behrisch, Jörn Kohlhammer and Tobias Schreck
Best Student Paper Award
General Data Visualization
Leaf Glyph - Visualizing Multi-dimensional Data with Environmental Cues
Johannes Fuchs, Dominik Jäckle, Niklas Weiler and Tobias Schreck
IVAPP 2014
Best Paper Award
Spatial Data Visualization
Fine-Grained Provenance of Users’ Interpretations in a Collaborative Visualization Architecture
Aqeel Al-Naser, Masroor Rasheed, Duncan Irving and John Brooke
Best Student Paper Award
Abstract Data Visualization
An Inverse Distance-based Potential Field Function for Overlapping Point Set Visualization
Jevgenijs Vihrovs, Krišjānis Prūsis, Kārlis Freivalds, Pēteris Ručevskis and Valdis Krebs
IVAPP 2013
Best Paper Award
General Data Visualization
MolMap - Visualizing Molecule Libraries as Topographic Maps
Martin Gronemann, Michael Jünger, Nils Kriege and Petra Mutzel
IVAPP 2012
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
Stefan Jänicke, Christian Heine, Ralf Stockmann and Gerik Scheuermann
IVAPP 2011
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
IVAPP 2010
Best Demo Paper Award