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Call for Papers

IVAPP is sponsored by INSTICC – Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication


The International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications aims at becoming a major point of contact between researchers, engineers and practitioners in Information Visualization. The conference will be structured along several topics related to Information Visualization.
We welcome papers describing original work in any of the topics listed below. Papers describing advanced prototypes, systems, tools and techniques as well as general survey papers indicating future directions are also encouraged. Paper acceptance will be based on quality, relevance to the conference theme and originality. The conference program will include both oral and poster presentations.
Special sessions, dedicated to case-studies and commercial presentations, as well as technical tutorials, dedicated to technical/scientific topics, are also envisaged. Companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or researchers interested in lecturing a tutorial are invited to contact the conference secretariat.


Avaliable soon.


IVAPP 2013 will have several invited keynote speakers, who are internationally recognized experts in their areas. Their names are not yet confirmed.


Authors should submit a paper in English, carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling, addressing one or several of the conference areas or topics. Each paper should clearly indicate the nature of its technical/scientific contribution, and the problems, domains or environments to which it is applicable. To facilitate the double-blind paper evaluation method, authors are kindly requested to produce and provide the paper WITHOUT any reference to any of the authors, including the authors’ personal details, the acknowledgments section of the paper and any other reference that may disclose the authors’ identity.

Only original papers should be submitted. Authors are advised to read INSTICC's ethical norms regarding plagiarism and self-plagiarism thoroughly before submitting and must make sure that their submissions do not substantially overlap work which has been published elsewhere or simultaneously submitted to a journal or another conference with proceedings. Papers that contain any form of plagiarism will be rejected without reviews.

Authors can submit their work in the form of a Regular Paper, representing completed and validated research, or as a Position Paper, portraying a short report of work in progress or an arguable opinion about an issue discussing ideas, facts, situations, methods, procedures or results of scientific research focused on one of the conference topic areas. All papers must be submitted through the online submission platform PRIMORIS and should follow the instructions and templates that can be found under Guidelines and Templates. After the paper submission has been successfully completed, authors will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail.


All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on digital support.
SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef ( and every paper on our digital library is given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published by Springer-Verlag in a CCIS Series book.
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by .


IVAPP Secretariat
Address: Av. D. Manuel I, 27A, 2º esq.
             2910-595 Setúbal - Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 184
Fax: +44 203 014 5434


Jose BrazEscola Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal, Portugal


Robert S. LarameeUniversity of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Andreas KerrenDepartment of Computer Science and Media Technology, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden


Wolfgang Aigner, St. Poelten University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Daniel Archambault, Independent Researcher, Ireland
Lisa Sobierajski Avila, Independent Researcher, United States
Rita Borgo, King's College London, United Kingdom
Maria Beatriz Carmo, LASIGE, Departamento de Informática, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Hamish Carr, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Remco Chang, Tufts University, United States
Guoning Chen, University of Houston, United States
Carlos Correa, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, United States
R Daniel Bergeron, University of New Hampshire, United States
Chi-Wing Fu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Zhao Geng, Swansea University, United Kingdom
David Gotz, Independent Researcher, United States
Georges Grinstein, University of Massachusetts Lowell, United States
Dongfeng Han, University of Iowa, United States
Seokhee Hong, University of Sydney, Australia
Ingrid Hotz, , Germany
Tony Huang, University of Tasmania, Australia
Alfred Inselberg, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Mark W. Jones, Swansea University, United Kingdom
Johannes Kehrer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Jessie Kennedy, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom
Martin Kraus, Aalborg University, Denmark
Simone Kriglstein, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Denis Lalanne, University of Fribourg , Switzerland
Chun-Cheng Lin, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, Republic of China
Lars Linsen, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
Giuseppe Liotta, University of Perugia, Italy
Ross Maciejewski, Arizona State University, United States
Krešimir Matkovic, VRVis Research Center, Austria
Silvia Miksch, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Klaus Mueller, Stony Brook University, United States
Benoît Otjacques, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Luxembourg
Margit Pohl, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Edmond Prakash, University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Philip J. Rhodes, University of Mississippi, United States
Jonathan Roberts, Bangor University, United Kingdom
Adrian Rusu, Fairfield University, United States
Filip Sadlo, IWR, Heidelberg University, Germany
Shigeo Takahashi, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Laura Tateosian, North Carolina State University, United States
Sidharth Thakur, Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI), United States
Martin Turner, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Huub van de Wetering, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
Huy T. Vo, The City College of New York, United States
Yunhai Wang, Shandong University, China
Chaoli Wang, University of Notre Dame, United States
Matt Ward, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, United States
Hsu-Chun Yen, National Taiwan University , Taiwan, Republic of China
Ji Soo Yi, Purdue University, United States
Xiaoru Yuan, Peking University, China
